We affirm that the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the word of God, given by inspiration of God, and are the only infallible rule for faith and life.
Partner with mission-aligned learning communities to advance faith and learning
Equip students in every academic program to walk a biblical view of life in the world
Teach and emphasize the coherence of all wisdom and knowledge in Christ
Service to Mission-Aligned Learning Communities
Providing programs to mentor and support educators, ministry leaders, and future students
Thought Leadership
Training and developing Geneva faculty & staff to be in the forefront of their fields as Christian thought leaders
Courageous Work
in the World
Equipping and preparing students to respond to God's calling in their respective professions
A practical guide to faithful Christian learning in the classroom
Learn More / Pre-OrderWe believe a deeper understanding of the coherence of faith and all of life is desperately needed across our nation and the Church. Providing a biblical foundation in education helps students live out their faith in all spheres of life, bringing vitality and flourishing to our communities throughout our nation and the world.
The Center for Faith & Life will allow us to strengthen and share the work that has long been a foundation of our academic program to prepare our students for vocations that honor God and neighbor." Melinda Stephens '93, PhD, Provost
Dept. Chair of Core Studies, Professor of History
Provost, Professor of Chemistry
VP of Marketing & Enrollment
Director of Center for Calling & Career
Dept. Chair of Biblical Studies, Philosophy, and Ministry, Assistant Professor
Professor of Biblical Studies
Director, M.A. Higher Education Program, Professor
Professor of Chemistry
Dept. Chair of History, Political Science, and Sociology, Professor
Closing the Gap is a program designed to help prepare high school juniors and seniors for the college experience ahead. Students work with college faculty, campus staff, college students and mentors to develop the skills necessary to thrive in college. This typically takes place over the course of two semesters: Fall and Spring
The cost of higher education rises each year. One way to lower the price is by beginning college while you’re still in high school.
Geneva College’s Early College program allows high school students to take Geneva courses with Geneva professors—online or on campus—for a fraction of the cost. In addition, Geneva College has partnered with some Christian schools to offer classes in those schools taught by teachers qualified to instruct college-level courses.
Other Early College initiatives such as After High School: Your Transition to College, helps high school students understand calling and cultivate self-care stewardship.
Geneva College regularly hosts workshops on campus, providing information and resources designed to prepare and equip school guidance counselors as they guide students in the college search. These events allow for idea sharing, networking, and, in some cases, opportunities to receive CEU credits toward ACSI Counselor certification. Each event also showcases Geneva College and the educational experience and majors it provides.
Geneva College invites prominent guests to campus each semester to support the educational endeavor in which students, faculty, and staff are engaged. Visitors include distinguished lecturers, well-known artists and musicians, best-selling authors, and leading religious figures. Through the GVALS speaker series, our community has an opportunity to hear various viewpoints of our guests and apply the Foundational Concepts principle, “to evaluate all knowledge critically, to gain from that which is true and to discard error.”
We believe that students can greatly benefit from dedicated time to consider questions of calling, career, and the pursuit of a life well-lived with God. To support this, the Calling and Career Center offers programs like the new student Calling Summit, Coherence Sophomore Retreat, Coherence Fellows program, and Senior Launch, which complement the student's academic endeavors throughout their time at Geneva.
Geneva has calling and vocation programming in place for Faculty and Staff that complements the academic curriculum.
The ministry of education at Geneva College is built on a committed Christian professoriate that conducts our course of studies under the reign of our King, the Lord Jesus Christ and His Word.
Our curriculum, from the core in the Christian Liberal Arts to comprehensive programs in the sciences and professions, continues to depend upon our development as faculty toward a fuller working understanding that from before Creation, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge—in every field of study and discipline—are found in Christ. That is, in every aspect of wisdom and knowledge available to humanity, the Truth of Christ is already integral.
The Core ensures a comprehensive education that is Christ-centered, practical, and purposeful.
By combining the major area of study with the core curriculum students learn to Integrate faith and learning and to think constructively and creatively. The curriculum helps students see God’s design in all things and encourages wholehearted community. Together Geneva students discover the compelling significance of God’s calling for their lives within their fields of study.
Geneva provides an opportunity for academic collaboration and mentoring between students and faculty members. Meeting with their mentors regularly, students prepare a research project on a topic of interest in their field of study. After in-depth research and preparation, these students professionally present their projects during “Works of Our Hands Week.”
This one-day conference is designed to equip and empower students to faithfully enter college and navigate a potentially overwhelming transition. Students will explore central topics such as, What is Calling?, Integration of Faith and Learning, Self-Care and Stewardship, and many practical considerations that challenge students to establish their lives on the foundation of the Word of God.